The importance of time to market and sample tracking in e-commerce

Discover why faster time-to-market and seamless sample tracking are essential to your e-commerce success.

Speed isn’t just a nice-to-have anymore—it’s the backbone of any successful business. The time it takes to bring a product from concept to market can make or break your brand’s competitive edge. Let’s explore why the time to market matters and how sample tracking is crucial.

What is time-to-market?

Time-to-market is the journey from idea to product launch. For e-commerce brands, this often boils down to turnaround time – the window from receiving a sample to producing all the needed assets like photos, videos, and copy. Delays in this process can leave your brand struggling to keep up.

Why timing is everything

Consumers are more informed, connected, and opinionated in today’s market. They have high expectations, not just about the product itself but also about how and when it’s launched. Timing can make or break your success. Here’s why:

  • 55% of shoppers now expect their favourite brands to release new products monthly.
  • 3-8 week cycles now define fast fashion brands, a sharp reduction from the traditional 6-month cycles
  • Up to 30% increase in profit margins can be achieved with on-time product releases.
  • 7.5% higher market share is gained by first-to-market brands, a lead they maintain even years later.
  • 87% of consumers are less likely to purchase from brands that consistently delay product launches.

The critical role of sample tracking

Sample tracking might seem like a small piece of the puzzle, but when mismanaged, it can create a ripple effect that slows down your entire workflow. Here’s what can go wrong

  • Delays in content creation: Lost samples lead to rescheduled photo shoots and idle production teams.
  • Increased errors and rework: Poor tracking leads to shooting wrong samples or missing updates, resulting in costly reshoots.
  • Missed launch windows: Especially critical for seasonal launches or high-profile campaigns.
  • Lost time and money: Hunting down missing items or reordering them adds unplanned costs and delays.
  • Eroded brand perception: Delays in content availability can harm brand image and loyalty.
  • Team frustration and burnout: Creative teams should focus on producing content, not firefighting sample issues.

Problems with traditional sample tracking methods

Unfortunately, many e-commerce studios are still stuck in the past, relying on outdated tracking methods that often cause more problems than they solve.

  • Lack of visibility: Real-time updates are nearly impossible with spreadsheets and emails.
  • Miscommunication: Critical information gets lost across multiple platforms.
  • Manual processes and human error: Even small mistakes can have a domino effect on production.
  • Slow approval processes: Multiple rounds of back-and-forth communication delay progress.
  • No centralised data or analytics: Identifying trends or areas for improvement is impossible.

Our next post will explore how modern sample tracking solutions like Lets Flo can address these challenges and streamline your e-commerce content production process.

Ready to revolutionise your sample tracking?

Keep outdated tracking methods from holding back your brand. Discover how Lets Flo can transform your sample management and accelerate your time-to-market.